I got some ideas for video for "I'm there".
So we should make impression that material things are not main and these
things imprison the soul. the soul can't reach the edge of this wall.
So it's what song about- all outta love and they build a wall of races,
borders, color of skin, material and money(please add money papers to view).
but" i'm there"(and de facto we are there. we are not here where both money
and Satan create a rules for mad game).
in the end of the video you can show how man becomes flying up and up and in
the top of high wall he'd see the brightly shining light of real kind power
that stronger then all evilness that we have on the earth.
with the help of this video we could show people that their material
happiness is just a vision and it's just illusion.
we could show them that they creates a world where money and betrays is main
power. And this power tries to break the world.
We can't stop this regress but we are trying to do it. what could we do if
they try to stop our songs and actually do it .
they make us depend on money and borders... and, that's why we can't
bring our words to everyone.
they promote musicians who brings nothing for soul because these musicians
only can perform zombie.
stupid lyrics and army of fans who are really under Satan influence. it's
goals of industry.
it's just what I want to say. that's why we got this song... it came from
heaven (you know what I'm talking about)
nothing happens accidentally in this life. it wasn't case that you wrote
lyrics and I composed melody.
it came from the god.
I'll be waiting for your comments.
and I'm sorry for my mad English.