Has Hunting Season Opened On Humans (Real Player Streaming Editorial News Release) or Download
That's No Game (Real Player Streaming Music Video INCLUDES above intro. clip) or Download
RE: The U.S. Constitution & World Opinion
Then, I became sad... as I realized how the U.S.A. must
look like hypocrites in the eyes of the world.
No justice,
Let's make these our hours!
While out-and-about as a roving reporter, I saw a man who
sees things differently. He was wearing a sign that said,
"Osma Bin Ladin Did Not Do It!"
And, I had to ask myself, "What happened to Due Process
and Trial By Jury?"
Music Video Lyrics
I saw a man,
Who sees things differently,
A reprimand,
For me... completely!
Military tribunal,
Could be your own funeral,
What about ole due process,
Don't you find this a bit preposterous?
There is justice for all,
Can ya hear it call?
For all of us,
Less hypocrites,
You and me,
It's within OUR...
In memory of the towers.
Let us all unite,
For what is right.