Bust The Giant Giant

Non-microsoft Innovation:
The Electric Guitar Camera Pick

By: KingArthur.com

Multimedia Downloads

Out the Window... with Microsoft Windows! (MPEG1)

Introduction To The Microsoft Giant (Real Player Streaming Editorial News Release) or Introduction To The Microsoft Giant (Real Player Download)

Bust The Giant Giant (Real Player Streaming Music Video INCLUDES above intro. clip) or Bust The Giant Giant (Real Player Download)

Note: the music video features a Non-Microsoft Innovation -- The Electric Guitar Camera Pick (Pictured above. We're still working on a name for it... Axe-cam or, maybe... WAIT! Yes, I've got it... the Pick-Axe-Cam)

by Membrane.com Staff Writer

The following editorial is based on this Microsoft press release (please click here to view.)

Throwing Microsoft
Windows Out The Window

So, let me get this straight... Microsoft is found to be a big, bad monopoly by the US Dept. of Justice. (click here for more info.) As a penalty, we are going to help them gain a stronghold in public schools? We are going to make them give their inferior, proprietary and upgrade dependent software to schools?

What... have we all gone mad?

Next, will convicted murders be forced to give their guns to schools?

Does anyone know how we can stop such an atrocity?

Music Video Lyrics

Bust the giant Giant
Found to be a tyrant
What should we do
I'm asking you
Do you know
What to do
With this foe?

Shall we let him go?
Oh, no no...
Let's penalize him
For all the sin

Let's make him do it again!

Rockin' On The Electric 
Guitar Bust the giant Giant
Found to be a tyrant
What should we do
I'm asking you
Do you know
What to do
With this foe?

Shall we let him go?
Oh, no no...
Let's make him pay
What do you say

Let's make him king for a day!

Bust the giant Giant
Found to be a tyrant
What should we do
I'm asking you
Do you know
What to do
With this foe?

Shall we let him go?
Oh, no no...
Let's make him a hero
Instead of a zero
Make him unsung
While he devours our young

More on the Microsoft Monopoly

More On Microsoft Security

More Beatless Sense Mongers

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